
[Inside CMAA] Developing Your Club Competencies


Hello CMAA Leaders! 

The team and I are in the midst of drafting CMAA’s next Strategic Plan, and one of the areas of discussion has been education for club executives. As leadership competencies are changing at a pace that we need to continually “sharpen the saw” on our skills, should CMAA’s Certified Chief Executive (CCE) certification evolve? I think we all would say yes, as each of us goes about our own leadership journey. So, I started thinking about what are those new or evolving leadership competencies. 

Our world is characterized by rapid technological advancements, shifting demographics, and ever-changing global and local challenges, so leadership is poised to undergo a significant transformation over the next decade. Let’s go deeper.

Digital Leadership: Over the next 10 years, technology will continue to evolve at an unprecedented pace. Club leaders will need to continually embrace digital transformation as a core competency. This means not just understanding technology, but also harnessing it to drive innovation, streamline operations, and connect with digitally savvy employees and members. Digital leadership will require a deep understanding of data analytics, cybersecurity, and the ability to utilize technology in the leadership of our club teams effectively.

Emotional Intelligence: While technology plays a crucial role, the human element of leadership will become even more vital. Our clubs are driven by the human element as members crave that human touch we provide. However, emotional intelligence (EQ) will be an ever-increasing defining trait of successful leaders. The ability to understand and manage one's emotions and those of others, focus on mental health, build strong interpersonal relationships, and navigate through ambiguity will be essential. In an increasingly diverse and interconnected world, leaders with high EQ will foster inclusive and collaborative environments.

Purpose-Driven Leadership: Millennials have been in the workforce for some time and Gen Zers are arriving in large numbers. They place a high value on purpose-driven work and their own happiness. In the next decade, successful leaders will need to align their clubs with a clear and authentic purpose that likely goes beyond current measures of success. This shift towards purpose-driven leadership will not only attract top talent, but also resonate with members, adding to the stickiness of clubs.

Remote and Hybrid Work: The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the shift toward remote work, and experts believe this trend is expected to continue. While many of you may not agree, and while clubs may not have many hybrid workers, many of our members do. This change will continue to impact the utilization of the club. Leaders will need to adapt to staying ahead of life with remote and hybrid members. For those clubs that may have a few hybrid or remote workers, building trust in a virtual environment and leveraging technology to facilitate collaboration will be crucial skills for leaders.

Adaptability and Learning: The pace of change in business and the club world will continue to accelerate. Leaders will need to be agile and open to continuous learning. Adapting to new technologies, hospitality shifts, and unexpected disruptions will require leaders to cultivate a growth mindset for self, team, and board, plus a willingness to embrace change as a constant. This is also a core focus of CMAA, as you might expect, by supporting your learning needs.

Global Leadership: The world is becoming more interconnected, and leaders will need to navigate the complexities of a globalized economy. Understanding diverse cultures, global market trends, and geopolitical dynamics will be essential for effective global leadership. I have been in a number of clubs recently that have more than  10 different countries of origin represented among their team. For some of us, we may have hardly ever traveled outside the United States, yet we are leading a global team of club professionals. We need to be sure to understand our team members’ upbringing and cultural ideals to support and give them the tools to flourish.

Ethical Leadership: As society watches poor behavior daily, leaders must become more conscious of ethical issues. Leaders will face increasing scrutiny from members as they look to our clubs as positive and pure environments. With all the challenges of a digital world, members will look to clubs to be authentic and that starts with an ethical culture. Ethical leadership, characterized by transparency, integrity, and responsible decision-making, will be non-negotiable. Leaders who prioritize ethics will build trust with members, mitigate reputational risks, and attract staff who won’t want to leave.

Club Vision: Club leaders will need to be on their toes evaluating the hospitality landscape and understanding how our member services and amenities must continue to evolve. For instance, members and clubs continue to become more and more environmentally conscious. Use of organic products, eco-conscious dining options, and sustainable food choices are likely to grow. We are utilizing mobile apps and more electronic means for communicating with our members. Expect other technologies, like virtual reality, to become the norm. However, clubs may also be the one place where members can come and digitally detox, so we need to truly understand our member’s needs and desires. Health and wellness from more personalized member nutrition expectations, to curated wellness programs to leveraging artificial intelligence to anticipate our member’s needs isn’t far away. Continually growing the culinary experience is sure to be likely too. As we watch renowned chefs appear for bespoke events around the country, could clubs do the same in a similar fashion for existing special occasions? 

I could go on, but think you would agree, the next decade will bring profound changes to the landscape of club leadership. Leaders who can adapt to the digital era, prioritize emotional intelligence, and foster purpose-driven organizations will be at the forefront. Moreover, the ability to lead diverse teams, embrace change, and uphold ethical standards will be essential for success. The leaders of the future will be those who can navigate the complexities of our rapidly evolving world with resilience, empathy, and a commitment to positive impact. In conclusion, I think the foresight of those to have this discussion as part of our CMAA Strategic Plan was spot on. We can never stop learning! 

Until next month,


Jeff Morgan, FASAE, CAE


PS: Check out this month's Vlog highlighting the 2024 volunteer opportunities and our gratitude for our members who shared their time and talents in 2023!  

