
February 2021: Groundhog Day – Was That Today?

February 2nd was Groundhog Day – another six weeks of winter! But this year the pandemic makes some of us feel like we are living just like Bill Murray in the movie “Groundhog Day” with a repeat of life from day-to-day as we get through this current chapter of the pandemic. Please know, I am generally an upbeat person with my sights focused on upcoming opportunity around every corner. It is one of the ways I am driven. However, there are some days I wake up feeling tired, irritable, stressed that today is more of the same – Groundhog Day. Then I remember we have a vaccine (several, in fact) and this pandemic should be over in the next few months.

So why do I feel this way, kind of burned out and feeling guilty about feeling this way too? What’s my issue? Does this go beyond winter blues or just having a bad day? It did not take much to research to realize this is not something that I am going through alone. Many of us are struggling with the same feelings and emotions and that is why I am sharing this.

When the crisis of the pandemic hit, the adrenaline kicked in and there was no stopping any of us. Clubs and CMAA kicked butt. Frankly, we are all still kicking butt for our members! But we cannot keep that adrenaline on high for an extended period and so then comes the period of letdown. We are still in this crisis, but our own and our team’s resolve is being tested as our lives become a blur. Pandemic fatigue is real, and you might have it. If you have it or think others on your team do, there are ways to fix it. It worked for me and I hope the following will help you avoid it or get rid of it too.

Smarter people than I share that: understanding your situation is key, having compassion is another component for success, and finding a path forward for yourself and your team in this situation is vital. Mental health is not something we often focus on. Many of us were taught to be strong, keep it to ourselves, and tough it out. But we all know our mental and physical wellbeing make us whole. So, I feel it is important to bring it up and share a few articles that might help you personally, and as a club leader find of value, as we deal with our present situation:

How to Lead When Your Team is Exhausted and You Are, Too

Navigating Pandemic Fatigue as a Working Parent

Six Ways to Combat Pandemic Compassion Fatigue

Feeling Exhausted? You May Have ‘Change Fatigue’

Speaking of mental health, are you registered to attend virtual World Conference? It is a great way to recharge, (virtually) be with peers, and give yourself a chance to get away from the day-to-day grind and learn. If you are attending, please consider where you will be joining Conference from. Try to find a place away from regular interruptions; a place where it is quiet and you can focus; and a place where you can participate, learn, and recharge! See you on March 8!
